Resolution for the IUPAP 25th General Assembly
Submitted by the
2nd IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics
Rio de Janeiro, 23-25 May 2005
Since the 1st IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics (Paris, March 2002), more attention has been paid to including women in physics in many countries. Although some noticeable progress has been made, much more remains to be done before physics and its use in the countries of the world can benefit fully from the ideas and efforts of women. To promote the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women of all races and nationalities in physics, the representatives of the physics communities from 42 countries assembled in Rio de Janeiro unanimously recommend the following actions to the IUPAP 25th General Assembly in Cape Town, South Africa:
1. Request all IUPAP Liaison Committees to work toward catalyzing women's full participation in physics.
2. Write to the physical societies among its Members urging them to work harder to include women in their activities and reward systems.
3. Recognizing the efforts that IUPAP has already made to make sure that all IUPAP conference include women on program committees and among invited speakers, continue to work with conference organizers to promote the inclusion and encouragement of women.
4. Continue to work to increase the presence of women among its leadership.
5. Encourage the IUPAP Working Group on Women on Physics to consider developing training modules on gender and race equity in physics, on physics education pedagogies and curricula, and on the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women and on translating them into many languages.
6. Encourage the IUPAP Working Group on Women in Physics to oversee a thorough international survey of the status of women in physics in 2007, organize the 3rd International Conference on Women in Physics in 2008, and report at the 26th IUPAP General Assembly in Fall 2008.